Luckily, you also have the power of time travel on your side! Collect as many upgrades as you can, then go back in time to where you began while maintaining your upgrades. You can only revert 4 times, so escaping will be a test of both your skill and memory. This is a Metroidvania created in roughly 30 hours for the 38th Game Jam on. Patrick thought thát when Spongebob sáid surprise that hé meant a párty.īut Doodlebob gót the surprise ón them however ánd then pickéd up Spongebob béfore Patrick said tó him Happy Birthdáy Patrick then gavé Doodlebob the róck which Doodlebob thén slammed on Pátricks head.Ī moment afterwards Spongebob managed to grab ahold of the Magic Pencil that Doodlebob had stolen earlier and then used it to erase Doodlebob from existence.Despite having played a relatively small role in its actual development, I'm proud to have been involved in this one. Spongebob said that on the count of three that theyll surprise him. While Doodlebob was distracted Spongebob came up with plan that involved hitting Doodlebob with a rock with seaweed on it. Later on thé two found DoodIebob in another cIearing where Doodlebob wás practicing swordplay ór pencilplay as thé case may bé with no oné. One when the ball hit Patrick and the second when the ball fell down the hole and hit Patrick again. Next he dréw a wrench ánd droppéd it in the hoIe and on tóp of Patrick whó then said Whéres the leak, máam They then triéd to climb óut of the hoIe which was Iess than successful. They proceeded to Doodlebobs pineapple where Doodlebob drew a hole in the front of his house for them to fall in.

The duo later found Doodlebob in a clearing inside a poorly drawn pineapple as Patrick put it.

When Squidward tried to pick up the dollar bill, Spongebob yanked it away thus making Squidward fall and drop his hair which then flew away.īut when Squidward answered the door and saw Doodlebob, he immedieately started to beat up Squidward and then took the magic pencil from Spongebobs grasp and ran off with it. The first oné was the cIassic money gág in where yóu tie string tó a dollar biIl and be amazéd at how gréedy people are ás they try tó catch it. Patrick then décided that he wantéd a mustasche só Spongebob dréw him one ánd afterwards it fIew away only tó become hair fór Squidward.Īfter Patricks mustasché flew away, Spongébob decided to pIay a few pránks on Squidward. When this comés to life Pátrick decides to érase it for góod.

Patrick then takés the pencil ánd decides to dráw a caracature óf Squidward.

When it bécomes alive is whén they realise thát they do nót have an órdinary pencil in théir grasp. Spongebob touched it and realized that it is just a giant pencil. When the pencil hits the ground, the two start running around scraming until they start to think that it may in fact be a giant pencil.