‣ Tactics improved - more likely to perform PIT manoeuvres and less likely to be easily outrun ‣ Forces are more diverse, with a range of police types from officers to detectives to SWAT to special agents ‣ Police carry a wider variety of weapons ‣ Evade wanted state by fleeing and then hiding ‣ Chance to not even see police when low level wanted ‣ Realistic dispatch system that takes time to send units from around the city - no more teleporting police ‣ Patrolling the streets in a variety of vehicles, mostly in tourist spots during the day and gang zones at night ‣ Realistic light coronas - less noticeable normally but blinding during rain

‣ Powerful emergency vehicle lights which reach across streets ‣ Realistically intense neons & draw distance increased ‣ Headlight, brake light, dashboard light etc casting distances and render distances modified to match real life, including for NPC vehicles ‣ A lot more taxis, especially at night in vinewood and other popular night spots ‣ New variations of taxi based on common LA taxi colours in real life Also more variations of utility vehicles, limousines and motorcycles. ‣ Carefully selected DLC vehicles added to traffic with paint variety, in some cases manufacturer paints for the real life version of that car. ‣ Complex, hand-crafted traffic systems across the world, heavily incorporating day & night cycles with busy rush hour traffic, quiet residential roads at night with lots of parked cars, and so on The weight of the car and the tearing of the rubber. ‣ (NEW) Complex, hand-crafted handling remodelling for ~85% of vehicles.

‣ Night times much, much darker, particularly in the countryside ‣ Rain thicker, effecting visibility a lot more and darkening the sky more. ‣ Subtle heat haze effect added around peak times (midday) out in the country especially ‣ Sunlight is much brighter, shadows darker ‣ Removed all camera effects from first person view Reduced ever-present fog to realistic levels and colour. ‣ Everything crisper with more contrast and less gamma. ‣ Street lights brighter and new dust effect added ‣ Render distances increased for various lights - traffic, street, misc Please note: this mod does not effect timescale or speed up time - I did that in the video to demonstrate the timecycles